Public relations and communication tools

Looking for public relations services and communication tools to support your organizational goals and personal growth? You’ve come to the right place.

Communicate with confidence

Build and protect your image with key audiences — including customers, employees and circles of influence — with confidence and consistency.

Executive coaching and team workshops

Choose from executive coaching or small group workshops for leadership and sales teams, personalized for your needs. Jolaine has deep and broad experience working with C-suite spokespersons to help tell their organization's story, prepare for a crisis and launch marketing campaigns. She’s spent her career supporting message development and public relations outreach for a broad range of clients.

NEW! Workshops can be conducted via online video conferencing.

What do you and your team need?

Media Skills COaching

Crisis communications. New services or product introductions. Issue positioning. The media can help tell your story — if you’re ready.

Nothing beats proven techniques and on-camera practice when preparing for a media interview.

As a former journalist and longtime media trainer, Jolaine has prepared countless business leaders to face the media for everything from marketing blitzes to crisis situations.

Learn how to deliver your messages, handle tough questions and gain confidence in a variety of interview situations.


Speaker Training


Public speaking can be a great opportunity — or one of the most daunting experiences of your life.

Presentations aren’t always formal, and they’re not always in person. You’ve got to just a few minutes to drive your points home during staff meetings, sales calls or briefings conducted via online video conferences.

Personalized workshops for one or more spokespersons — in person or online — focus on the techniques to confidently deliver messages that resonate with your audience.

Jolaine has coached top management, sales teams and boards. Her experience includes healthcare, service and manufacturing, public agencies and associations. Emerging leaders workshops help build skills and confidence — important assets for career growth.

Business Writing Workshops

This hands-on session provides written communication skills that can save an organization’s time, money and reputation.

Learn to create professional, action-oriented communication including: Business introductions, proposals and project management documents.

See how to diffuse heated exchanges and move toward solutions with your writing. Learn practical tips for grammar, writing styles and etiquette. (Trust us, this is more fun than it sounds.)

Emerging leaders, sales teams and individuals benefit from this professional development. And HR people appreciate what we teach for documentation purposes.


MESSAGE DEVELOPMENT and Public relations support


When it seems like all eyes are upon you, you’ll want your public relations strategy and messages to be crystal clear.

Key messages are essential for your organization’s proactive communication, as well as during times of crisis and organizational change.

Jolaine is happy to work with public relations agencies and communications teams, providing public relations strategy and message development — applying her valuable experience as a PR counselor.

Writing Services

Jolaine is a fact-gatherer and writer who works on behalf of organizations to tell their story.

She began her career as a newspaper editor, then went into corporate communications and PR — and she’s still helping people and organizations tell their stories.

Her published magazine articles introduce readers to those who strengthen California’s agricultural roots and delicious farm-to-fork reputation. She also writes about travel and an active lifestyle.
